We don't distill gin. We capture the essence of untamed lands.

 In a world of spirits born in controlled environments, we have chosen a different path. We believe that the most extraordinary flavors are found only in the wildest places on Earth, where plants thrive naturally, shaped by extreme conditions and ancient forces.

We are not traditional distillers. We are explorers, seekers of flavors that exist only where nature still dictates its own rules. Our story began with a vision of creating something truly unique in the spirits world, and today it continues to evolve with every expedition we undertake.

At over 3,500 meters on the peaks of the Himalayas, where the thin air and fierce winds shape the aromatic intensity of Juniperus Indica. Among the wild cliffs of Sardinia, where Juniperus Oxycedrus draws its essence from the sea breeze and salty sprays. In the scorching plains of Utah, where Juniperus Osteosperma survives in conditions that would defeat any other plant.

But this is not just a journey in search of exceptional spirits. It is our commitment to preserve the last wild places on Earth and the communities that protect them.

Each bottle of Selvatiq represents our promise:

  • To harvest only what nature offers spontaneously

  • To support the local communities that protect these lands

  • To preserve extraordinary ecosystems for future generations

When you taste Selvatiq, you're not just enjoying a gin. You're experiencing the pure and untamed essence of the most extreme lands on Earth, captured and preserved through generations of wisdom and our firm commitment to the wild.

Want to be part of this mission? Get in touch with our team and discover how you can join the Selvatiq journey.